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Tending the Tenders: Grief Support
for Therapists & Wellness Practitioners

Next online group may begin fall of 2024 either online OR in-person! 

Do you feel like you need more support now since the pandemic started a few years ago? 

Are you overwhelmed by your own personal grief? 

Are you struggling with earth grief-living on a planet that continues to change so rapidly? Are you stressed about how the world and its systems seem to be collapsing right now? 

Do you have more and more clients that are simply struggling with daily survival and you need support in helping them? Are you burned out beyond burnout and thinking of changing careers?

Are you wondering how to deal with this collective grief? Or are you wanting more support with working with ancestral grief?

Do you wonder how you can keep going and tend to your own joy and life force energy? I’m right there with you! 


Co-hearts, I invite you to take a breath with me…our jobs are really hard as we continue to hold space for so many while we are in the thick of so much grief too. 

Thanks for being on the front lines as we hold our clients, ourselves and our families/communities right now. There is so much grief-I would say we are dealing with complex and compounded grief at this point, especially with climate change, wars, and the fact that it really seems that the world systems are falling apart. 

I have created this group specifically for you-the ones that are holding us all together. And to be honest, I created this group with myself in mind. I woke up early around 4am during the beginning of the pandemic. I had so much anxiety and couldn’t go back to sleep. So for two hours I ruminated about everything heavy on my heart and the hearts of my clients. Eventually I went back to sleep but later that day I thought-I know I’m not the only practitioner that needs support right now. So this group has a dual purpose because I want to reach more people so they have better grief support. This group gives you space for your own personal grief while simultaneously learning skills to hold grief better for your clients. 

.hands in a circle

Here are the deets:

  • We will either gather online for six weeks or in person if there’s enough interest for this. We have usually gathered on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:45pm (MST). But I am open to other days and times.
  • Dates: sometime in fall of 2024.
  • We will drop in briefly with a body-centered practice, then we’ll check in personally and professionally and then I’ll teach about grief.
  • I want to be intentional about keeping our time to an hour and 15 minutes yet allow a bit of wiggle room at the end if we need to stay longer. AND I know like you, I am busy–so I want to honor your time AND I want you to get what you need. 
  • Our fifth session will be an online grief ritual, we may go a bit longer. 
  • There will be no extra videos or homework to do. All you need to do is outside of group is cultivate your own befriending grief practice.
  • You’ll receive a huge bonus-my DIY Online Grief Relief Program that comes with many of my grief relief prompts and practices. You will have access to this program for a lifetime. 
  • The price below is subject to change. 

Tending the Tenders-
A Dual Grief Support Group for Therapists

$ 429
  • Weekly Support Group for 6 weeks
  • Online DIY Grief Support Program (8 Modules)
  • Create Community: Be Witnessed and Held in Your Grief
  • Grief Psycho-Education Tools
  • Invitation to Private Facebook Group
  • Online Grief Ritual
Yes please!

This group is for you if...

You need grief support and can't find the time.You don't know how to grieve yourself so you find it hard to work with your client's grief. You need more grief tools or you're afraid to grieve. And you learn best by experience rather than reading.

This group is not:

A supervision group even though I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado. And it's not a therapy group either.

This group is informed by my own experience of navigating devastating and life changing trauma. My partner crashed his mountain bike and broke his neck with the result being quadriplegia. I know what it’s like to live with loss. I know what it’s like to have so much grief yet have to hold space for my clients too.

I will teach you the skills I gathered from my grief mentors. These include: 

  • Sobonfu Somé and Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé and the West African Dagara practices of grief ritual. 
  • Francis Weller and his five gates of grief model.
  • Alan Wolfelt’s companioning tenets and more.
  • How to be with our Ancestral grief and how to cultivate a relationship with our Ancestors. 
  • How to do grief groups. 

New material is added each time based on what’s current in the world. 

This group will also be tailor made to what’s happening in the moment based on what your needs are and what you’d like to learn about grief.

Who am I and what’s got my back with this program? —-I’m Beth, your full hearted human being who strives to hold both the sorrow of the world along with the immense beauty. I’m a MA in Transpersonal Psychology with a Focus in Art Therapy from The Naropa University (2000). I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor and Art Therapist. I’m a Creative Grief Support Practitioner. I’m also a caregiver to my partner Michael and can put on my unofficial CNA or nurses hat and care for him if I need to. I’ve done my own apprenticeship to grief and came out the other side ready and passionate to help others navigate and befriend grief. I use out of the box ways to help you come right side up again in grief. I’m a full hearted human who is doing her best to remain hopeful and keep fighting this good fight. I’m raised Lutheran and come from a long line of ministers from Norway, Sweden and German roots. I now pray to the elements while I dance with my toes in the dirt here on the Ute, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne land I inhabit in Boulder, Colorado. And I try to become a better white bodied accomplice every damn day. 

candles in the night

 Frequently asked questions:

Can I get a refund? No, so please make sure you can commit to the group before you hit the buy now button. If you need to chat about whether this is the right group for you, please sign up for a 15 minute consultation.

Will you record the sessions if I can’t make it? Yes, but I’m only recording the teaching part. We may decide as a group to record the personal check ins, but I want everyone’s input on that.

How many therapist are in the group? I need a minimum of 4 people and the maximum number is 8. I want it to be a small and intimate group.

Okay co-hearts-thanks for all you’re doing to hold us together at this time. And please join me if you feel called, we can’t do this alone, especially now.
Grieve well, be well~
Beth Erlander, Grief Friend who’s holding the back of your tender heart.

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